Why End Users Are Vital to Digital Transformation Project Success

Why End Users Are Vital to Digital Transformation Project Success

A lot of people probably want to weigh in on your technology initiative, but orchestrating discussions with so many participants can be a struggle. Instead of involving everyone, your project team may choose to invite only higher-level stakeholders to meetings and other events. That could leave end users out of the discussion, and that’s often a mistake as end users are vital to digital transformation project success.

Though end users typically have budget authority or responsibility for staffing or vendor selection, they’re still a valuable segment to include in project planning and execution conversations. Mid-level managers rarely have enough insight into frontline work to speak to daily challenges and opportunities, and those higher up in the organization are even more removed from the hands-on aspects of digital processes and workflows.

When you consider ways to ensure your technology transformation efforts are well-informed, consider some of the hurdles you’re likely to encounter when you don’t focus enough attention on end users.

End users possess knowledge you may not find anywhere else.

Your company’s documentation is only a subset of the information employees keep in their heads. Even when processes and protocols are carefully recorded, you may still miss pieces of employee-based data. The tribal knowledge held by end users is too valuable to pass up, and it’s crucial that you provide opportunities for them to share their information in support of the technology project. Remember, too, that some end users may leave the project before its completion, either because they exit the organization or due to a move into a different internal role or group. If their knowledge isn’t captured prior to this transition, it may never be available to help guide your digital transformation journey.

Some processes don’t exist in written form.

For example, end users frequently create their own workarounds to compensate for missing, broken, or inadequate technology tools or features. These processes may be shared within a small working group, but without information from those end users, no one will know the new system should address that particular workflow gap. By involving employees who will use the system regularly, you can eliminate the risk of reduced productivity caused by persistent disconnects between how end users think the tech should work and its real-world functionality.

You can’t count on employees sharing their knowledge proactively.

Even organizations known for their strong documentation processes, such as NASA, recognize the need for a deliberate and dedicated approach that encourages workers to share the data they hold. Strive to implement a strategy that actively solicits feedback, knowledge, and other information from end users at multiple stages in the project life cycle. Include a feedback loop so workers know their contributions are making a positive impact.

Middle managers aren’t always a good proxy for end users.

Perspectives and questions that originate from mid-level managers and those higher in the organization’s hierarchy don’t reflect all the issues that exist at the end-user level. It isn’t reasonable to expect supervisors to understand every nuance of the roles they oversee, and a lack of end-user input could leave big gaps in the project team’s knowledge. Directly engaging end users ensures that this key stakeholder group is adequately represented in the project development process.

A lack of end-user commitment can sink your project.

Frontline staff will interact with the new digital platform every day. They may resist transitioning their workflows to the new tools if their questions, concerns, and needs weren’t adequately heard during the project development phase and addressed during implementation. Poor or slow adoption rates can sink your digital transformation plans, and keeping end users committed, enthusiastic, and active is essential for your technology project’s success.

PMAlliance, Inc uses a team of highly experienced and certified professionals to provide project management consultingproject management training and project portfolio management.