4 Warning Signs Your Project Decision Could Backfire

5 Things that Won't Happen in Your Next Project questions for stakeholders

4 Warning Signs Your Project Decision Could Backfire

We’ve previously discussed how to make a decision you can live with in 3 Ways to Make a Decision You Can Live With and how to sell stakeholders on less-than-perfect solutions in Selling Stakeholders on a Less-Than-Ideal Solution. But even what seems like the ideal decision can cause problems down the road. Here are four project decision warning signs that your decision may lead to trouble later.

1. The Decision Requires Resources Your Organization Can’t Support

Even if the solution looks perfect on paper, if it requires additional resources—whether time, staffing, or budget—that your organization isn’t likely to support, it’s a major red flag. Implementing a solution that lacks backing could cause your entire project to fail. If other options exist, it’s best to explore them.

2. Rushing to Decide Instead of Negotiating Better Terms

While it’s easy to want to make quick decisions and avoid analysis paralysis, rushing through the process can be risky. If time is available to negotiate better terms or review additional details, take it. A more informed decision is likely to lead to a better outcome, even if it means waiting a little longer.

3. Your Team Disagrees with the Decision

If none of your team members support your decision, it’s a sign that you might be missing something. Gather their input and understand their concerns. Sometimes, personal biases or blind spots can cloud judgment, and your team’s objections may point to critical issues you’ve overlooked.

4. A Stakeholder Pushes for a Quick Decision Without Weighing Pros and Cons

Stakeholders often have significant influence, but that doesn’t mean their proposed course of action is without flaws. If a stakeholder urges you to make a quick decision without evaluating alternatives, make it clear that you value their input but need to fully weigh all options before committing.

PMAlliance uses a team of highly experienced and certified professionals to provide project management consulting, and project management training services.