At the beginning of the year we outlined some resolutions Project Teams might consider making. If you took the challenge, it’s time for a mid-year progress check. But what if you haven’t made as much headway as you hoped? We’ve put together a “fast track to success” tip for each resolution to help you move forward right now.
Improving communication. Review recent projects to see where you could have been more proactive, more comprehensive, or more responsive. Take those lessons and apply them immediately to your existing projects.
Boosting career development efforts. Schedule a consultation with your HR representative. They can help you understand the opportunities your competitors are offering, and then they’ll work with you to define career paths for your team and formulate a plan for the rest of the year.
Increasing ongoing education. Establish a mentoring program within your Project Team (or within your company, if your Project Team is small or doesn’t have many senior members). Mentoring doesn’t require travel time or big expenses, and can start paying dividends in your group’s knowledge base quickly.
Developing a more robust network. Sponsor a networking event aimed at your industry, region, or at project management professionals in particular. The visibility will give your team some good PR within your peer group, and it’s a fantastic way to snag reciprocal invitations to events sponsored by others.
Marketing your Project Team. Schedule an open house, even if your project isn’t quite done or has been finished for a few months. They provide great meet-and-greet opportunities, especially if you cast a wide net and invite people you haven’t worked with in a while.
Committing to creativity. Get a creativity brainstorming session on the calendar right away. Choose an experienced facilitator and present your team with a handful of challenges. Offer rewards for the most unconventional solution.
Also check out our “NEW YEAR, NEW PERSPECTIVE” and “Project Team Resolutions for the New Year” blog posts.
PMAlliance uses a team of highly experienced and certified professionals to provide project management consulting, project management training and project office development services.
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