Project Management Areas You Need to Rethink

Project Management Areas You Need to Rethink

Project Management Areas You Need to Rethink

The core functions of project management are the same as they’ve always been, but much has changed in the rest of the business world that influences how project teams plan, monitor, and execute projects. Our project management consulting team has helped clients transform their practices to take advantage of the latest technology tools and updated processes, and organizations today can access new resources that streamline and enrich the way project teams manage projects and support stakeholders.

Below are some areas where project professionals might rethink how they tackle activities and where new innovations can help them improve customer satisfaction as well as outcomes.

Reporting. The growing availability of data management tools means more of your stakeholders—from executive sponsors to external vendors—are accustomed to having quick access to huge volumes of information. Pushing stock reports out once a month no longer meets most collaborators’ needs or expectations. Instead, on-demand reports are filling the need for better, faster insight.

User-friendly dashboards are a good option to help stakeholders filter, sort, and manipulate data so they can quickly find the reports they need without learning a new software platform. Project teams can further elevate their reporting capabilities by enabling access to pre-built custom reports for key stakeholders that save time and boost engagement.

Hiring. Project teams have vastly more options today when it comes to connecting with and attracting key job candidates. There are also a range of tools—some of which have been around for a long time but have themselves transformed into something far more useful—that can help spot the right candidates for your opening and help narrow down the talent pool to those people most likely to fit in with your firm’s culture and mission.

As employees increasingly expect flexibility in their work arrangements and location matters less for a growing number of roles, it’s important to select the right person to help your business achieve project success in a remote-work environment. Online networking sites offer access to all kinds of updated hiring support for employers, and professional organizations are good resources for filtering candidates to find just the right person to fill in your project team’s knowledge and skills gaps.

Training. Traditional education programs have evolved tremendously in recent years, and project teams should leverage the latest concepts to their advantage. On-demand e-learning, for example, offers tangible value value for workers who prefer not to travel or who would feel hamstrung by the pace of traditional courses led by an instructor in real-time. For anyone who wants to absorb new information quickly and in a format that can be switched on and off to suit their unique schedule, on-demand training offers the ultimate in flexibility and scalability. It can also be a useful option to trim travel expenses and minimize downtime, further enabling cost efficiency and productivity.

More teams are also making use of online learning options to build skills in areas outside the core project management competencies. Education opportunities around leadership, conflict resolution, communication, and problem-solving skills are increasingly popular. These capabilities can help your group move projects to completion in a business environment where timelines are tighter, supply chain challenges are front and center, and stakeholders are frequently remote.

Collaboration. Not only do meetings look different today—online video discussions have displaced a significant segment of audio-only interactions plus some face-to-face chats—they’re also expected to deliver richer information for attendees to review and act upon. Look for opportunities to tap into features such as digital whiteboards, automated transcription, and real-time document collaboration to drive more engagement and provide maximum value for participants’ time.

PMAlliance, Inc uses a team of highly experienced and certified professionals to provide project management consultingproject management training and project portfolio management.