Do you have a nagging feeling deep down that something isn’t right with your project, but you aren’t sure if it’s time to raise the alarm within your Project Team? Earlier we talked about common project mistakes (6-project-mistakes-every-company-makes), but the warning flags below often indicate you’re closer to disaster than you think. If any of these sound familiar, take action now.

1 – Your project was approved a while ago, but you still haven’t identified the tasks necessary to achieve success. Or if tasks have been set, they haven’t been assigned to specific team members or given expected completion dates.

2 – You’ve avoided talking about your project because you don’t want to be blamed for its lack of progress. Other team members may have also stopped providing status reports for the same reason.

3 – You’re skipping critical steps, such as quality control, in an attempt to stay on schedule. Your team might also be forgoing much of the documentation they would normally complete.

4 – One or more key stakeholders have stopped returning your messages or attending project meetings. They may have also stopped championing your project at senior-level meetings.

5 – Budget approval or contract authorizations may still be pending, and you’ve already passed the first critical milestone for purchasing long-lead materials or contracting for labor or other services.

6 – Resources you had expected to use are still assigned to another project, which is running behind schedule. You may also be having difficulty getting an estimated date for when they’ll be available for your project.

7 – You’ve encountered one glitch after another, and the team seems to be focused entirely on fighting fires. You have no time to get ahead of your project’s schedule.

8 – A primary vendor has experienced a work disruption or a manufacturing shutdown, and you haven’t identified a backup resource.

PMAlliance uses a team of highly experienced and certified professionals to provide project management consultingproject management training and project office development services.