7 Ways to Get More Out of Project Management Training

7 Ways to Get More Out of Project Management Training

Project management professionals who really want to get the most out of their training investment know there are some fundamental strategies that can pay big dividends. Below are 7 no-cost tips to help make the most out of every project management training session.

1 – Be there to learn. That means you aren’t “working remotely.” Give the instructor your full attention.

2 – Be prepared. Charge your phone, bring a sweater, stow a snack in your bag. Whatever it takes for you to be able to focus on the presentation instead of everything else.

3 – Network like you mean it. Training time is for learning but breaks and lunch (plus any dedicated networking time) should be put to good use expanding your connections.

4 – Ask questions. Query the instructor for deeper details in case studies or pose a question during the breakout session to see how your peers handled a difficult situation. Bonus tip: Come to class armed with a couple of questions you want answered and go from there.

5 – Take notes. Information often sticks better when you make it tangible, so jot down interesting tidbits that aren’t included in the course handouts. Reviewing your notes a few weeks later may help solidify what you learned.

6 – Bring back at least one piece of data—a statistic, or perhaps the title of a good business book—to share with the rest of your team. Not only will they benefit, you’re also likely to pay more attention during class because you’re looking for that “one thing.”

7 – Don’t work on the way home. Use the commute home or to your hotel to think through everything you learned. Digest the finer points and consider which principles you can apply when you get back to the office. Give the information time to sink in for best effect.

project management training better tips