6 Tricks for Getting More Project Management Training in your Project Team

6 Tricks for Getting More Project Management Training in your Project Team

We’ve gone over the benefits of Project Management Training and even some of the secrets to putting together a good training program. But sometimes just figuring out when to pack training into an already crowded schedule is the hardest part. Below are 6 ninja tricks for getting more project management training in your Project Team.

1 – Make meetings do double duty. You can’t cram training into every project meeting, but you can assign the task of ferreting out at least one low-cost training opportunity to a member of the team on a rotating basis. Have them present their findings as an agenda item.

2– Use what you have. Is someone on the team a guru when it comes to a piece of legacy software? See if they’ll give a quick brown bag session that includes a cheat sheet with the platform’s coolest tricks. It’s a fast, free, no-fluff way to get targeted training.

3 – Make project management software training mandatory. When shopping for new project management software, always include a training line item in the budget. You’ll maximize your software investment when the team can use the platform to its full potential

4 – Volunteer. Professionals who donate their time at project management conferences and local business functions not only give back to the industry, they also frequently get to attend the event’s training and informational sessions for free.

5 – Connect with external mentors. Industry groups regularly pair experienced mentors with new project management professionals. The cost is usually free, aside from any dues you pay to be part of the organization.

6 – Build education time into purchase contracts. Did you just buy a new piece of equipment? See if the manufacturer will throw in a factory tour that includes an “Installation and Maintenance 101” session.

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