4 Ways Poor Documentation Practices Are Hurting Your Project Team

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4 Ways Poor Documentation Practices Are Hurting Your Project Team

Good documentation practices are often an afterthought for many project teams. If your project office hasn’t set up an efficient documentation system yet, you could be wasting time, money, or worse. Here are 4 ways your current methods might be holding your team back.

1. Your Documentation Is Scattered Across Different Locations

Is your documentation spread out across various departments? Some may be stored within the project team, but other crucial pieces could be tucked away in different areas of the organization. One major risk is that someone might review incomplete records and assume they’re comprehensive.

This not only costs time when hunting down missing information but also increases the risk of compliance problems if an auditor reviews your files. Centralizing your records in one location can help avoid these issues.

2. Your Records Aren’t in the Same Format

When your project documentation consists of emails in your inbox, invoices in paper folders, and photos archived within presentation files, things can easily get lost. An equally important risk is losing access to older records as technology advances and older software platforms become unsupported.

Standardizing your records and keeping them in consistent formats can help avoid potential issues, ensuring long-term accessibility.

3. Everyone Keeps What They Think Is Important

Without a clear documentation strategy, team members may keep multiple versions of the same information. With no standard process, you could end up with several copies that differ slightly—so when you come across one version, how do you know whether it’s the master copy or an outdated draft?

This redundancy not only clutters storage (both digital and physical) but also risks your team referencing inaccurate data, leading to potential project delays or errors. Streamlining your documentation procedures can eliminate these problems.

4. No One Keeps What They Think Is Important

In contrast to having too many versions of the same document, sometimes teams discard critical information altogether. Failing to retain important records could result in regulatory issues or a PR nightmare down the line. Additionally, you may lose valuable insights from previous projects that could lead to cost savings and efficiency improvements.

Having clear guidelines on what must be documented and stored ensures nothing important falls through the cracks.



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