4 Tips to Maintain Project Continuity During Small-Scale Work Stoppages

As we approach the time of year when organizations start preparing for small-scale work stoppages caused by events like snow, urban flooding, or power outages, it’s crucial to ensure your project management team is ready. Use these simple tips to maintain project continuity and keep operations running smoothly, even during unexpected disruptions.

1. Think Low-Tech

Even if your mobile devices sync contacts and calendars with a master server, it’s a good idea to keep hard copies of essential documents. This includes project schedules, vendor agreements, purchasing information, and any other data you may need for reference. Be mindful of your company’s confidentiality policies and confirm that taking copies offsite is secure. Now is also a good time to ensure that regular data back-ups are occurring as planned, so you’re prepared for any small-scale work stoppages.

2. Know Your Options

Identify alternate power sources, such as generators, and determine how your team can stay connected during outages—whether through mobile phones, text messaging, or internet access. Is there an alternate work location available? Take some time now to plan workarounds that allow for business continuity. Additionally, consider your vendors’ emergency plans and incorporate them into your own.

3. Be Flexible

During emergencies, be prepared for delays. Road conditions might cause team members to arrive late, and communication could be limited if working from an alternate location. Flexibility is key: reschedule important meetings or continue remotely via phone or video conferencing when feasible. Make sure to provide summaries for those who couldn’t attend and share any new or updated action items to keep the project moving forward.

4. Personal Preparedness Matters

Personal preparedness is just as important as organizational readiness. Keep an extra phone battery (fully charged) on hand, along with a charger in your car. Ensure your colleagues have up-to-date contact information, and know alternate routes to the office in case your primary route is blocked. If public transport is an option, keep a bus or train schedule handy to avoid delays.

Provided by PMAlliance a Project Management Consulting and Project Management Training company.

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