Fortune 1000 Companies Choose PMAlliance

We respect the privacy of all of our clients and their projects  and therefore do not list each company name associated with the testimonials below, however if you would like a list of our clients or to discuss any of the testimonials below, please contact us.

“Our PMAlliance consultant was able to summarize thousands of lines of schedule and multiple critical paths in 10 or 15 minutes every week and boil it down to what was really important. That was wonderful for us.”

“I’m very impressed with the quality of the people, not only professionally, but personally, at PMAlliance. It’s a great feeling to know you are working with top notch, ethical and good people. That’s not always what you get when you bring in outside resources.”

“If you really want to identify and understand the critical path so you can get your schedule in order and to the level of detail necessary to track what you are doing, you need a company like PMAlliance on your team.”

“There is a real methodology behind managing a project. If you have a complex process, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for support. PMAlliance helps you to be more in control of your project by determining breakdowns early so that you can fix them quickly.”

“Usually a project slips very fast and if you can’t react quickly, your project can fail. PMAlliance’s methodology helped raise red flags in our project that we could then respond to immediately.”

“PMAlliance’s control meetings forced us to complete our required actions and communicate with our supplier. If we hadn’t had this discipline, there would have been more opportunities for breakdowns on our project.”


“For someone who is considering hiring PMAlliance, I would say that you have to ask yourself how important is the project to your company, and to you professionally? Can you can afford for the project to fail? Then, ask yourself what does this project’s success mean for the company and for you? If you bring in PMAlliance, you will have the information you need to deliver your project successfully.”

“Many businesses think that because their people have better context and experience navigating the organization, that an outside consulting company couldn’t possibly understand its complexities. The advantage, if you bring in PMAlliance, is they can actually be a neutral company who can hold true to a very fact-based, big-picture approach which really sets a project up for success.”

“If you really want to identify and understand the critical path so you can get your schedule in order and to the level of detail necessary to track what you are doing, you need a company like PMAlliance on your team.”


“For someone who is considering hiring PMAlliance, I would say that you have to ask yourself how important is the project to your company, and to you professionally? Can you can afford for the project to fail? Then, ask yourself what does this project’s success mean for the company and for you? If you bring in PMAlliance, you will have the information you need to deliver your project successfully.”

“Many businesses think that because their people have better context and experience navigating the organization, that an outside consulting company couldn’t possibly understand its complexities. The advantage, if you bring in PMAlliance, is they can actually be a neutral company who can hold true to a very fact-based, big-picture approach which really sets a project up for success.”

“If you really want to identify and understand the critical path so you can get your schedule in order and to the level of detail necessary to track what you are doing, you need a company like PMAlliance on your team.”

“If you really want to identify and understand the critical path so you can get your schedule in order and to the level of detail necessary to track what you are doing, you need a company like PMAlliance on your team.”

“One of the biggest benefits of working with PMAlliance was the stress relief. It was a complex project with a lot of stakeholders and people involved, and there was a lot of potential impact on our organization. Having expert support every week and with every step of the project was an absolute relief.”

“All of our project managers that have worked with PMAlliance have only positive comments to say about them. Any internal reservations that we felt initially about engaging them, are now completely gone.”

“Internally, people often feel that bringing in an outside consulting company may jeopardize their position, or perhaps it will highlight a weakness, but our people have found, at the end of the day, that PMAlliance compliments their talents. Now, our projects go further than they have ever gone before.”



“One of the biggest benefits of working with PMAlliance was the stress relief. It was a complex project with a lot of stakeholders and people involved, and there was a lot of potential impact on our organization. Having expert support every week and with every step of the project was an absolute relief.”

“All of our project managers that have worked with PMAlliance have only positive comments to say about them. Any internal reservations that we felt initially about engaging them, are now completely gone.”

“Internally, people often feel that bringing in an outside consulting company may jeopardize their position, or perhaps it will highlight a weakness, but our people have found, at the end of the day, that PMAlliance compliments their talents. Now, our projects go further than they have ever gone before.”


“Our return on investment with PMAlliance doesn’t warrant calculation. Time is money and getting it right the first time is key. With PMAlliance, we get it right. The benefit we have experienced using PMAlliance far outweighs anything we pay for the service.”

“Realizing now what we got out of it, and how much time the consultant put into it, the cost definitely makes sense. It was the best thing we could have done. It was a year-long project and the amount of time spent was well worth the price. There were times when our PMAlliance consultant went above and beyond what was expected. He was available on holidays, off hours and times when he shouldn’t have been.”

“In terms of cost, you definitely recover what PMAlliance costs, but the value is so much bigger than that. It is really about “how important is it to deliver what you want to deliver?” You can allocate a portion of “that” value to the services PMAlliance provides.”

“Often, companies hesitate to hire an outside consulting company because they see external consultants as expensive and not worth what they cost. It can be hard for a company to get past that initial assumption. Someone has to be willing to take the risk, go out on a limb and allow the process to work. That’s how you achieve real success and results.”


“Our return on investment with PMAlliance doesn’t warrant calculation. Time is money and getting it right the first time is key. With PMAlliance, we get it right. The benefit we have experienced using PMAlliance far outweighs anything we pay for the service.”

“Realizing now what we got out of it, and how much time the consultant put into it, the cost definitely makes sense. It was the best thing we could have done. It was a year-long project and the amount of time spent was well worth the price. There were times when our PMAlliance consultant went above and beyond what was expected. He was available on holidays, off hours and times when he shouldn’t have been.”

“In terms of cost, you definitely recover what PMAlliance costs, but the value is so much bigger than that. It is really about “how important is it to deliver what you want to deliver?” You can allocate a portion of “that” value to the services PMAlliance provides.”

“Often, companies hesitate to hire an outside consulting company because they see external consultants as expensive and not worth what they cost. It can be hard for a company to get past that initial assumption. Someone has to be willing to take the risk, go out on a limb and allow the process to work. That’s how you achieve real success and results.”