Duration Driven Fundamentals Online Learning Course

PMAlliance’s experts have created an online training portal to help project managers and other team members remain proficient and expand their knowledge. Through this standalone class, e-learners now have new opportunities to build on their project management skills so they can overcome their most difficult obstacles and achieve repeatable project success.

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When you have a project too important to fail, choose PMAlliance.

Course Outline

In the Duration-Driven® Fundamentals course, students will learn:

  • How to clearly define a project’s scope and objectives
  • How to develop an initial project plan
  • How to recognize typical project challenges
  • How to develop network diagrams
  • How to perform schedule calculations
  • How to compress project plans to meet deadline dates
  • How to update project plans to reflect real-time progress
  • How to effectively control a project through to completion

Defining the Project

  • Roles/Responsibilities of Project Managers

  • Roles and Characteristics of Project Sponsors

  • The Sponsor Document

  • Project Team Composition/Characteristics

  • Project Charters

Developing an Initial Project Plan

  • Work Breakdown Structures

  • Network Diagrams/Analysis

  • Estimating Durations and Resource Requirements

  • Critical Path Method (CPM) Network Calculations

Compressing the Schedule and Establishing a Baseline Plan

  • Using the Schedule Compression Process to Meet Project Deadline Dates

  • Using the Time-Cost Tradeoff Concept to Optimize Project Plans

  • Establishing a Baseline Plan

Controlling the Project

  • The Control Process

  • Use of Intermediate Milestones

  • Collecting Activity Status

  • Updating The Project Plan

  • Rules For Effective Project Control


  • Why Projects Succeed

  • Project Challenges Revisited

  • Some Final Thoughts


PMAlliance project management training fills the project management knowledge gap between team members and provides a consistent approach for use by the entire team. Our PMI®-certified trainers use a state-of-the-art curriculum to pose practical challenges, cultivate strong working relationships and arm your team with tools they can put to immediate use.